





Addendum for the

Intermountain Region of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

The name has been changed to follow the directive of the ASPRS National.

The subsequent Provisions will be added to the Bylaws of the Intermountain Region of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

_________________________                    ____________________________
Cindy Clark                                                                                            Lloyd Blackburn

President                                                                                            Regional Director
Intermountain Region of the ASPRS               Intermountain Region of the ASPRS


Intermountain Region
American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing

a.  The Intermountain Region is affiliated with ASPRS National
b.  The Intermountain Region is subject to general supervision by ASPRS National
c.  The Intermountain Region is eligible to qualify for group exemption under section 501c (3) and meets the same tax exempt requirements as ASPRS National
d.  The Intermountain Region uses the same fiscal year as ASPRS National (ending December 31)
e.  The Intermountain Region is not a private foundation
f.   The Intermountain Region has adopted and filed Articles of Incorporation with the State of Virginia

Article I - Membership

Section 1.  Any member of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing residing or doing business in the Intermountain Region shall automatically be members of the region.  Others may be instated as members of the region by written application to the Secretary.

Section 2.  Any member may resign at any time from the region by tendering a written resignation to the Secretary.

Article II - Officers

Section 1. Duties

a.  All officers shall attend all region and executive meetings if possible.
b.  The elected officers shall officially take office September 1, following their   
c.  The following is a breakdown of officers' duties.


      Serves as Executive Officer of the Region.
      Presides as Chairman of Membership Committee and appoints members.
      Coordinates regional activities.
      If possible, attends National ASPRS conventions.
      Has voting rights at the National ASPRS Board meeting if a proxy has been filed with the Executive Director.
      Calls Executive Committee meetings.
      Serves on Executive Committee for 2-years following term of office.
      Oversees activities of Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer.
      Conducts business at regular meetings.
      Appoints and oversees newsletter editor.


      Chairs Program Committee and appoints members.
      Calls regular meetings.
      Conducts business at regular meetings in Presidents absence.
      Succeeds to Presidency in the event of vacancy.


   Records minutes of meetings.
      Responsible for correspondence including quarterly and annual reports to the National Office.
      Responsible for financial activities as described in Article V.
      Fulfill other duties assigned by the President.

Regional Representative to the National Board of Directors:

      Serve on ASPRS Board of Directors.
      Serve on Regional Executive Committee.
      Reports to Executive Committee on National ASPRS meetings.
      If possible, attends all national meetings requiring regional representation.

Section 2. Succession

a. President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer:

Vacancies occurring prior to July 1 of a current term shall be filled as follows:
Each officer will fill the next higher office and an interim secretary will be appointed by the Executive  Committee.  This appointment shall extend only through the remainder of that term.  New elections will be held as regularly scheduled.

Vacancies occurring after July 1 of a current term shall be filled as follows:

The officer next higher to the vacant office shall fulfill the vacant office's responsibilities for the remainder of the current  year.  New elections will be held as regularly scheduled.

b. Regional Representative to the National Board of Directors:

In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member to fill the remainder of the current term.  A new appointment will be made as regularly scheduled.

Section 3 - Elections

Prior to the October meeting, the Executive Committee shall appoint an Election Committee, consisting of three members.  This Election Committee shall select one or more candidates for each office and shall announce this slate at the November Executive meeting.  Additional nominations may be made in writing and endorsed by five or more members and filed with the Election  Committee at least two weeks prior to the November Executive meeting. The election of officers shall be held prior to the December Executive meeting and shall be by written
ballot whenever more than one candidate is nominated for election. Alternately, such election may be held by means of a ballot mailed to each member by the Election Committee four weeks preceding the December Executive meeting.  A majority vote of those ballots returned to the Election Committee prior to the December Executive meeting shall constitute election.

The elected officers shall officially take office the following January 1.

Article III - Committees

The Standing Committees of the Region shall be an Executive Committee, a Membership Committee, a Program Committee, and a Publications Committee.

Section 1.

The last two past Presidents and the Regional Director shall be members of the Executive Committee. In the event a past President is unable to serve, the President shall appoint a member to serve in that capacity.

a.  Conducts Regional business
b.  As a group, provides official representation for the region.

Section 2.

The Membership Committee shall consist of at least two members appointed by the President for a two-year term.  Terms will expire in alternate years.

a.  Maintain an accurate record of current members.
b.  Organize and conduct membership recruitment reports.

Section 3.

The Program committee shall consist of at least one member appointed by the Vice-President for a one-year term.

a.  Organize and coordinate membership meetings.
b.  Assure members of meetings at least 60 days in advance of the meeting date.

c.  Organize and coordinate other region functions as requested by the Executive Committee.
d.  Coordinate meeting schedules and agenda with other professional societies of like interests active within  the confines of the Intermountain Region of ASPRS.

Section 4.

The Publications Committee shall consist of at least two members appointed by the President for an indefinite term.

a.  Publish at least two regional newsletters each year.
b.  Send articles to the national headquarters for inclusion in the journal of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing.
c.  Produce other printed materials as requested by the Executive Committee.

Article IV. Quorums, Meetings, and Order of Business

Section 1.

Twelve voting members including two officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The presiding officer may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.

Section 2.

There shall be a minimum of four regular membership meetings during a calendar year, time and place to be designated by the Vice President of the Region. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee of the Region at its discretion or upon a written request signed by ten members of the region.

Section 3.

Members of the region shall be notified of meetings by mail not less than one week prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 4.

The order of business shall be as follows:

Miscellaneous business

The order of business may be changed at any meeting by a majority vote of the members present.

Section 5. Bylaws Terminology

The use of the term mail in these Bylaws applies to Postal, courier, email and facsimile.

Article V. - Finance

Section 1.

The fiscal year of the Region shall begin January 1.

Section 2.

A financial audit and statement shall be presented by the outgoing Secretary - Treasurer to the incoming Secretary-Treasurer at the beginning of a new term.

Section 3.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the Executive Committee prior to reducing the checking account balance below $500.00.

Section 4.

There shall be no regular annual dues.

Article VI. - Amendments

Section 1.

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting, special meeting, and/or ballot, by an affirmative vote of the majority of ballots cast, provided that the number of votes cast shall be at least equal to the quorum of twelve members (including two officers).