PERS_July2014_Flipping - page 580

July 2014
Dr. Michael Hauck
Russell G. Congalton
Technical Editor
Michael S. Renslow
Assistant Editor
Jie Shan
Assistant Director — Publications
Rae Kelley
Electronic Publications Manager/Graphic Artist
Matthew Austin
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
is the official journal
of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It is
devoted to the exchange of ideas and information about the applications of
photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. The
technical activities of the Society are conducted through the following Technical
Divisions: Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetric Applications,
Lidar, Primary Data Acquisition, Professional Practice, and Remote Sensing
Applications. Additional information on the functioning of the Technical
Divisions and the Society can be found in the Yearbook issue of
Correspondence relating to all business and editorial matters pertaining to
this and other Society publications should be directed to the American Society
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210,
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144, including inquiries, memberships, subscrip-
tions, changes in address, manuscripts for publication, advertising, back issues,
and publications. The telephone number of the Society Headquarters is 301-
493-0290; the fax number is 301-493-0208; email address is
(ISSN0099-1112) is published monthly by the American
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite
210, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda,
Maryland and at additional mailing offices.
For the 2014 subscription year, ASPRS is offering two
options to our
subscribers -- an e-Subscription and the print edition.
E-subscribers can plus-up their subscriptions with printed copies for a small
additional charge. Print subscriptions are on a calendar-year basis that runs
from January through December. Electronic subscriptions run for twelve
months on an anniversary basis. We recommend that customers who choose
both e-Subscription and print (e-Subscription + Print) renew on a calendar-year
basis. The new electronic subscription includes access to ten years’ of digital
back issues of
for online subscribers through the same portal at no
additional charge.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions about our
journal subscriptions.
The rate of the e-Subscription (digital) Site License Only for USA and For-
eign: $2000; e-Subscription (digital) Site License Only for Canada*: $2100;
Special Offers:
e-Subscription (digital) Plus Print for the USA: $2,160;
e-Subscription (digital) Plus Print Canada*: $2,273.25; e-Subscription (dig-
ital) Plus Print Outside of the USA: $2,175; Printed-Subscription Only for
USA: $660; Printed-Subscription Only for Canada*: $762; Printed-Sub-
scription Only for Other Foreign: $735. *Note: e-Subscription/Printed-Sub-
scription Only/e-Subscription Plus Print for Canada include 5% of the total
amount for Canada’s Goods and Services Tax (GST #135123065).
Send address changes to
, ASPRS Headquarters, 5410
Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144. CDN CPM
Membership is open to any person actively engaged in the prac-
tice of photogrammetry, photointerpretation, remote sensing and geographic
information systems; or who by means of education or profession is interested
in the application or development of these arts and sciences. Membership is
for one year, with renewal based on the anniversary date of the month joined.
Membership Dues include a 12-month subscription to
. Subscription
is part of membership benefits and cannot be deducted from annual dues.
Beginning with the January 2014 issue of
, all members outside of the
USA will receive access to the full digital edition of the journal rather than the
printed copy. Dues for ASPRS Members outside of the U.S. will now be the
same as for members residing in the U.S. Annual dues for Regular members
(Active Member) is $150; for Student members it is $50 for USA and Canada;
$60 for Other Foreign (E-Journal – No hard copy for all Students); for Associate
Members it is $100 (member must be under the age of 35, see description on
application in the back of this Journal). A tax of 5% for Canada’s Goods and
Service Tax (GST #135123065) is applied to all members residing in Canada
. Copyright by the American Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing. Reproduction of this issue or any part thereof (except
short quotations for use in preparing technical and scientific papers) may be
made only after obtaining the specific approval of the Managing Editor. The
Society is not responsible for any statements made or opinions expressed in
technical papers, advertisements, or other portions of this publication. Printed
in the United States of America.
The appearance of the code at the bottom of
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or for the personal or internal use of specific clients. This consent is given on
the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per copy fee of $3.00
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108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of
copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional
purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale.
Dear Readers,
I set out to write this letter from my perspective as the Second Vice
President of ISPRS with the aim of describing: 1) the relationship
between ASPRS and ISPRS; and 2) how that relationship can
directly impact our professional lives and careers. But as I write
these words only hours after hearing the tragic news of the death
of ASPRS Past President, Dr. Carolyn Merry, I feel compelled to
include her story in this narrative. Although we came from different
backgrounds, hers Geology/Civil Engineering and mine Biology/
Ecology, we were both introduced to remote sensing and GIS in
the 1980s, involved in teaching, research and administration, and
greatly valued our participation in professional organizations such
as the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science
ASPRS members often ask me how they can become members of
ISPRS and I reply, “You are already a member!” The International
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) can
be described as an umbrella organization that includes the fields
of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information
sciences; in other words, fields addressing “information from
imagery”. ISPRS is made up of Ordinary Members such as ASPRS,
the Canadian Institute of Geomatics and the Chinese Society of
Geodesy, Photogrammetry & Cartography, all Category 8 Ordinary
Members because they have more than 800 active specialists. There
are currently 91 Ordinary Members of Categories ranging from 1
(with fewer than 26 active specialists) to 8. Other membership types
are Associate Members for experts not represented by national
societies, multi-national Regional Members, Sustaining Members
who offer equipment, supplies and services and distinguished
Honorary Members and ISPRS Fellows. A new ISPRS Individual
Membership type was approved at the 2012 ISPRS Congress held
(l-r). Carolyn Merry, Charles Toth, and Marguerite Madden.
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