PE&RS February 2015 - page 93

February 2015
“Throughout these years, I learned how
to manage new technology, that’s always
fun. In order to preserve historic work, I
have been scanning all of the film we have
archived. We can go back to 1936 in our
historic gallery. Clients tell me that they
are impressed that I actually flew the
imagery in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and I feel
— Jack
He feels that working at Robinson has been a privilege
and a school for him. Jack currently lives inMorris County,
New Jersey. The municipal building in his hometown has
on display one of his aerial enlargements of the town from
more than 20-years ago. Jack has seen some of his photos
hanging on building walls, which always brings up a good
topic of conversation. He walks around town and people
know who he is. This has helped him cope with the loss of
his wife of over 40-years.
The Later Days
Jack feels that his job in this field is done. However, he
wants to get involved in other things, such as volunteering
at a hospital.
“I want to volunteer at the hospital. That’d
keep me busy and I will enjoy talking to
the hospital staff and patients”
— Jack
Even though this work has nothing to do with the aerial
photography industry, he says that he will put the same
effort as the effort he put during all of these years.
When asked about his legacy and words of wisdom for
future generations, he said:
“Work hard, enjoy your work, be accurate,
and be proud. The rest will come by itself”.
Kurt Lutz, CP
is theDirector of OperationswithRobinson.
He is a Certified Photogrammetrist with over twenty-five
years of experience in the industry. He joined Robinson in
1987 as an Aerial Mapping Pilot with hundreds of hours
of flight experience.
Original Aerial Photo of
World Trade Center
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