States with Regulations Related to Georeferenced Imagery, Authoritative Orthomosaics, LiDAR and Topographic Survey


Click on map or drop-down list for links to individual State statutes.

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Disclaimer:  This map represents the ASPRS best effort at determining current State licensing requirements for photogrammetry and related remote sensing services.  This map is not a definitive interpretation of State laws or requirements.  It is intended as a resource to assist photogrammetric mapping and remote sensing professionals in determining what those specific requirements may be.

For the purposes of this map, at a minimum, photogrammetric mapping services are defined as topographic mapping depicting the authoritative location of features or terrain using photogrammetry or related remote sensing technologies.  Some states have a much broader definition of photogrammetric mapping to include GIS and similar services.  Before providing geospatial mapping services in any State, practitioners must check with the appropriate State Board to make a final determination of which licensing requirements apply to the specific type of work that will be performed


(January 30, 2013)