Platinum Level Sponsors:

BAE Systems


ITT Logo

Gold Level Sponsors:

Fugro Earth Data Logo
75th Anniversary Conference Bags


Bronze Level Sponsors:

Cardinal Systems Logo

BAE Systems
Exhibit Hall Reception

Celebrating 75 Years

Keynote and General Session Audio and Presentations Now Available

This celebration would not be happening in 2009 if 12 men, led by Col. Claude Birdseye, had not met in July 1934 in Washington, D.C. to discuss forming a photogrammetric society in the United States that came to be called The American Society of Photogrammetry (ASP). The Society founders represented the U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Soil Erosion Service, Fairchild Aerial Survey and W.N. Brown, Inc. Most of these agencies and companies and their successors are still driving forces of the Society today.

The founders’ vision for this organization included, a newsletter that would discuss photo mapping activities in the U.S. and abroad and furnish members with a means of communication. PE&RS, an outgrowth of the early newsletter, continues today as a top journal in the scientific world. Another goal of the newly founded Society was periodic meetings of members that would provide an opportunity to meet and know those interested in the same subjects and promote a frank exchange of opinions. Again, this objective continues to be met with the annual and fall conferences. The recently instituted “Hot Topics” segment at the annual conference harkens back to the founding fathers ambition of a “frank exchange of opinions.”

In the early years of 1934-1935, the ASP boasted 354 members. Due to this ever evolving field, in the late 1980s the ASP Board of Directors agreed to a name change for the organization, incorporating the words “Remote Sensing” to become the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Today ASPRS boasts more than 6,000 members who continue to carry the same strong dedication to the profession that the founders had 75 years ago.


ASPRS proudly celebrates its 75th Anniversary throughout 2009, with special events taking place at the 2009 Annual Conference in Baltimore.

In preparation for the celebration, more than 400 attendees at the ASPRS 2008 Annual Conference in Portland gathered for this photograph. Bergman Photographic Services, Inc. donated their services to fly over and take the image.

We invite you to join us for the Celebration! Come and be part of history as ASPRS turns 75-years old.

ASPRS 75th Anniversary Dinner and Show
ASPRS invites you to celebrate our 75th Anniversary on Thursday night, March 12th with dinner and a performance from the renowned Capitol Steps. with the Capitol Steps

ASPRS Members as Pixels

ASPRS 75 Years logo

ASPRS 75th Dinner & Show Sponsors - Bronze Level

Aerometric Logo

Michael Baker Corporation Logo

Intermap Tecchnologies Logo

 Kass Green Associates 


Photo Science

Surdex Logo

Vexcel Imaging

Wilson & Co. Logo

Woolpert Logo




MARCH 9 - 13, 2009. BALTIMORE, MD

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