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For Immediate Release

Contact: Anna Marie Kinerney, Marketing/Meetings Manager
301-493-0290 ext.106;

ASPRS 2003 Outstanding Service Awards

Established in 1991, The Outstanding Service Award is given to American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) members in recognition of outstanding and unusual efforts in helping ASPRS develop and carry out its programs over a sustained period. Recipients have performed outstanding service at the chapter, regional, or national level. Awardees’ services include any activities, including professional, that have helped the Society achieve its goals and objectives.

Those selected for the 2003 ASPRS Outstanding Service Award are:

ASPRS Sustaining Member Companies

ASPRS Members

ASPRS Executive Director James R. Plasker said, “We are fortunate to have both sustaining member companies and individual employees of those firms who have stepped up to organize and sponsor awards in the memories of two very prominent and important leaders in our field – Jack Estes and Paul Wolf. This is the first year that these awards will be given and ASPRS is proud to be able to honor Dr. Estes and Dr. Wolf in this way.”

Plasker also commended Sky Chamard for his dedication to the ASPRS Certification Program from its inception in the 1970s. “For more than 20 years Sky has been a major factor in the success of the ASPRS Certification Program,” Plasker said. “He has developed and guided the program so that it is recognized internationally as an invaluable professional asset, and for that the Society is grateful.”

Mary Clawson is being recognized for her role as the 2002 FIG congress director. “Mary is a consummate professional with outstanding conference management skills, and her ability to coordinate the diverse and disparate needs of the many participating organizations was key to organizing a highly successful event in 2002,” said Plasker.

These awards will be given at the ASPRS 14th Annual Awards Luncheon on Thursday, May 8 during the ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference in Anchorage, Alaska.

Founded in 1934, ASPRS is an international professional organization of 7,000 geospatial data professionals. ASPRS is devoted to advancing knowledge and improving understanding of the mapping sciences to promote responsible application of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems and supporting technologies.

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