PERS_July2014_Flipping - page 583

July 2014
Data license terms and conditions
CGMP price, suitability, and availability
Provider-defined product specifications
Available provider product support of the CGMP
Recommendations from the Guidelines
For either PGMS or CGMP procurement, the reader is encour-
aged to undertake a number of steps to implement the appropri-
ate methodology. These include, but are not limited to:
Seeking the assistance and guidance of a professional
Pre-proposal research, including requirements defi-
Market analysis
Development of Source Solicitation Package / Re-
quest for Proposal
Issuance of the Source Solicitation Package / Request
for Proposal
Evaluation, selection and award
Items Not Covered in the Guidelines
Specific procurement methodologies and approaches for the
items listed below are not included within the scope of the
. They are only referenced within the
to the extent necessary to define and clarify the distinction
between them and the items covered within the
Procurement of geospatial hardware
Procurement of geospatial software
Procurement of geospatial technical services
I. Background and Intent
American Society for Photogrammetry and Re-
mote Sensing
(ASPRS) is the leading scientific professional
organization representing the photogrammetry and remote
sensing profession. These
represent the best ef-
fort of ASPRS at defining and clarifying the key issues that
affect procurement of Professional Geospatial Mapping Ser-
vices (PGMS) and Commercial Geospatial Mapping Prod-
ucts (CGMP).
were prepared by the ASPRS Procure-
ment Guidelines Committee, an ad hoc committee appoint-
ed by the ASPRS Board of Directors. The core members of
the Committee included representatives from the commer-
cial / private sector, as well as state and federal government.
Committee membership included representation from the
ASPRS Professional Practice Division, ASPRS members
from state and federal government, the Management As-
sociation for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS)
and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
(ACSM), now known as the National Society of Professional
Surveyors (NSPS). During the development of these
lines, the
Committee interviewed procurement representa-
tives from State and Federal agencies and private providers
of commercial geospatial mapping products.
Guidelines for Procurement of Professional Aerial
Imagery, Photogrammetry, Lidar and Related Remote
Sensor-based Geospatial Mapping Services
was approved
by the ASPRS Board of Directors in August 2009. The
lines for Procurement of Commercial Geospatial Map-
ping Products
was approved by the ASPRS Board of Direc-
tors in October 2012.
This document entitled
Guidelines for the Procurement
of Geospatial Mapping Products and Services
, combines
the previous guidelines and was approved by the ASPRS Board
of Directors in [month year].
I. Distinguishing Between PGMS and CGMP
Professional Geospatial Mapping Services
PGMS are those geospatial mapping services that require spe-
cialized knowledge and skill; require independent judgment;
and have an expectation of ethical conduct and professional ex-
pertise such that the resulting services will be consistent with
the best interests of the client and public. A detailed definition
and distinction of what services are considered professional in
nature is presented in Chapter 1, along with recommendations
for appropriate procurement methods.
Geospatial services that do not require authoritative positional
or thematic accuracy and which fall outside of the jurisdiction of
services covered by state regulations may be considered technical
services. These
do not attempt to recommend a pro-
curement methodology for technical services. Rather, we recom-
mend that the reader researches technical services procurement
publications from other professional organizations.
Commercial Geospatial Mapping Products
CGMP refers to geospatial map data that are readily available
from commercial providers and described as “commercially
available off-the-shelf” or COTS (the procurement of geospatial
hardware and/or software is not part of these
). This
includes existing imagery or mapping data and other maps or
data for which the data provider sets the specifications and
licensing requirements. A detailed description of what CGMP
encompass is presented in Chapter 2, along with recommenda-
tions for appropriate procurement methods.
The matrix in Appendix 1 compares the characteristics
of PGMS to CGMP and CGMP Support as defined in the
Guidelines for Procurement of Professional Aerial Im-
agery, Photogrammetry, Lidar and Related Remote Sen-
sor-based Geospatial Mapping Services
, ASPRS, August
2009 and the
Guidelines for Procurement of Commercial
Geospatial Mapping Products
, ASPRS, October 2012. The
matrix in Appendix 1 was modified from the MAPPS Products
vs. Services Matrix.
It is the intent that these Guidelines are useful. This is in-
tended to be a ‘living document’ and therefore ASPRS welcomes
your comments and suggestions in the form of communication
to ASPRS with the subject referencing this document.
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