PE&RS February 2016 - page 105

February 2016
d. The Executive Director shall develop plans, programs,
projects and operating procedures to further the organi-
zation and effectiveness of the Society; shall serve as the
primary point of contact for the Society with its various
components and with other organizational entities and
affiliates; and shall insure administrative support for So-
ciety Officers, the Board of Directors, Councils, Commit-
tee Chairpersons, and Conference Directors.
e. The Executive Director shall arrange for and give timely
notice of all Annual and Special Meetings of the Society
and the Board of Directors, recording all proceedings and
maintaining custody of correspondence and records with
the help of the Secretary as defined in Section 5 below.
The Executive Director shall prepare:
(1) An annual report for presentation to the Society, and
(2) Other reports as may be requested by the President
and the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Responsibilities of the Treasurer
a. The Treasurer shall oversee the financial policies of AS-
PRS. The Treasurer shall ensure that the accounts of the
Society are audited annually by a Certified Public Accoun-
tant. The Treasurer shall chair the Audit Committee. The
result of the audit shall be reported to the Board of Direc-
tors and made available upon request to Society members.
b. The Treasurer shall issue an oral or written report for
each Board of Directors Meeting describing the status of
Society’s finances and make recommendations.
Section 5. Responsibilities of the Secretary
The Secretary shall record the Society’s business conducted
at all formal meetings and assure preservation of those re-
cords for the Executive Director.
Section 6. Absence of Executive Director,
Secretary, or Treasurer
During the absence of, or in the event of the disability of, the
Executive Director, the Secretary, or the Treasurer, the Pres-
ident with approval of the Board of Directors shall designate
a temporary alternate to serve in an acting capacity until a
successor is appointed.
Section 1. Society
a. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Society, at a
time and place approved by the Board of Directors, for
installation of Officers, Technical Division Directors and
Assistant Technical Division Directors, and the Board of
Directors, and the conduct of Society business. Notice of
such meeting shall be given by the Executive Director in
a publication of the Society to reach the membership no
fewer than 60 days prior to the date of the meeting.
b. Special Meetings of the Society may be called by the
President with a majority approval of the Board of Direc-
tors, or by the President upon the written request of five
percent of the voting members of the Society. The Exec-
utive Director shall notify members, at least 15 days in
advance, of the time, place, and subjects to be considered.
c. A quorum for the transaction of business at an Annual or
Special Meeting of the Society shall be 10 percent of the
membership eligible to vote. The presiding officer may
adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is
d. Other meetings of the Society in the form of symposia, con-
ferences, conventions or others for the principal purpose
of exchanging information may be held with the approval
of the Board of Directors. Such meetings may be cospon-
sored with other organizations having kindred interests,
and shall be widely advertised in Society publications.
Normally, an Annual Conference shall be convened at the
time of the Society Annual Meeting, and at least one other
Society meeting, which may be virtual, shall be held at a
location other than that of the Annual Conference.
Section 2. Board of Directors
a. The Board of Directors shall normally meet four times
each calendar year. The Board shall also meet upon
call of the President or upon demand of a majority of its
members. Notice of meetings with the agenda shall be
sent to all Board members to be received at least ten days
in advance of the meeting.
b. A simple majority of the voting members of the Board of
Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the
Board. If fewer than a simple majority are in attendance,
the presiding officer may adjourn from time to time until
a quorum is present when motions are necessary.
c. In the event of absence of any member of the Board of
Directors from two consecutive meetings of the Board,
the Executive Director shall call the matter to the atten-
tion of the Board for possible action in accordance with
Article XI, Section 1(k).
d. ElectiveOfficers andmembers of theBoard of Directors shall
not receive any compensation for their services but may be
authorized reimbursement for expenses in accordance with
Society policies and procedures for such payments.
Section 3. Telephone Conference/Mail Ballot/
Email Ballot
When consideration of any matter by the Board of Directors is
required earlier than its next meeting, this may be accomplished
by electronic teleconference/video conference, email or mail bal-
lot vote at the discretion of the President. Passage of such votes
shall be as specified in the appropriate sections of these Bylaws.
Section 4. Membership Ballots
Whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, any major
question shall arise which it believes should be put to a vote of the
membership and when it deems it is not expedient to call a Spe-
Notice of Proposed Change to the Bylaws: Member Comment Invited
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