PE&RS July 2016 Public - page 498

July 2016
Last REVISED April 2016
As approved by the ASPRS Board of Directors
Section 1. Name and Definition
The name of the Organization shall be the American Society
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, (ASPRS), hereinaf-
ter in these Bylaws called the Society. Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing is the art, science and technology of obtain-
ing reliable information about physical objects and the envi-
ronment, through the process of recording, measuring and
interpreting imagery and digital representations of energy
patterns derived from non-contact sensor systems.
Section 2. Office Location
The principal office of the Society shall be in the Washington,
D.C. metropolitan area. The Society may have such other of-
fices as may from time to time be designated by the Board of
Section 1. Vision
Global development and application of imaging and geospa-
tial information improves decision-making, sustains commu-
nities, and enhances quality of life.
Section 2. Mission
To promote and advocate imaging and geospatial science for
informed, scientifically valid, and technologically sound obser-
vations of Earth conditions and trends that lead to improved
and effective decision-making.
Section 3. Core Values
• Adoption and practice of the scientific method advances
imaging and geospatial science and technology.
• Development and dissemination of guidelines and stan-
dards facilitates accessibility and reliable use of imaging
and geospatial information.
• Development of new imaging sensors and platforms im-
proves applications by practitioners.
• Expansion of a diverse community of geospatially literate
students and professionals sustains our community.
• Adherence to ethical standards strengthens student
learning and professional practice.
• Advocacy of relevant imaging and geospatial policies pro-
motes sustainable development and use of Earth resources.
Section 1. Classes of Membership
Membership in the Society shall be classified in the following
categories: Individual, Corporate, and Friend. Members are re-
quired to have paid dues for the current year and are eligible
to participate in all Society activities, subject to any limitations
on their membership type described in this Article III.
Section 2. Individual Member
An Individual Member is an individual involved in the sci-
ence and engineering disciplines associated with imaging and
geospatial information and shall be entitled to all rights and
privileges of the Society applicable to Individual Members,
including the right to vote. An applicant for admission as an
Individual Member shall file with the Executive Director a
signed statement of concern for, and involvement in, the vi-
sion, mission, and core values of the Society by completing an
application form prescribed by the Board of Directors. Com-
pletion of the form and payment of the required dues shall
constitute fulfillment of admission requirements.
Section 3. Corporate Member
A Corporate Member is an organization involved in the sci-
ence and engineering disciplines associated with imaging and
geospatial information. A Corporate Member shall be entitled
to all rights and privileges of the Society applicable to Corpo-
rate Members, including the right of representation as a Cor-
porate Member to vote and have its representatives hold of-
fice. An applicant for admission as a Corporate Member shall
file with the Executive Director a signed statement of concern
for, and involvement in, the vision, mission, and core values
of the Society by completing an application form prescribed by
the Board of Directors. Completion of the form and payment
of the required dues shall constitute fulfillment of admission
ASPRS Bylaws
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