General Information


 Application deadline for the 2023 Awards is November 11, 2022.

Please note that all applications must be submitted in electronic format.

You must login to continue.

  • Submit application form and all supporting materials or documents using the online application START HERE >>>

Click here to Login and Apply Now

  • Letters of reference are sent via a separate google application similar to last year. This is to allow reviewers who are not ASPRS members to submit recommendations.

Provide your reviewers with this link:

  • Resumes are requested but are not mandatory. Resumes provide useful background information that may not be answered in the application. If you choose to supply a resume please upload it where it says “Please upload your most recent academic transcript and resume
  • All scholarships require a digital copy of an unofficial transcript(s). Scholarship winners will be asked to submit official transcript(s) sent directly from the university(s) to ASPRS headquarters.
  • To submit a digital unofficial transcript:
  1. Scan a copy of a recent transcript or print to PDF your unofficial transcript from your university.
  2. Upload the transcript as a file when prompted in the scholarship application.

Scholarship winners will be asked to submit an official transcript. To submit an official transcript:

  1. Universities have different systems to request an official transcript sent to a third-party reviewer. Please contact your university’s registrar for assistance.
  2. The official transcript must be received by the application deadline.
  3. Foreign language transcripts or documents must be translated into English by an official translating agency and submitted directly from the translating agency to ASPRS HQ.
  • Some awards ask for copies of published articles or imagery please do not forget to upload your published articles or imagery into the application when prompted.
    • If you include a copy of a published article or research sample it should not exceed five (5) pages; if longer submit the article in text format or submit an abstract and article highlights.

All Applicants MUST:

Be active or student members of ASPRS. Visit the ASPRS website or contact the membership department at the address or phone number below for information about the benefits of ASPRS membership.

Submit the required number of letters of reference with each application from faculty members who have knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities.


  • All Complete Applications Must Be Received at ASPRS No Later Than Midnight Eastern Time on November 11, 2022.
  • The Deadline for Submission of Recommendation Letters is November 18, 2022.


Delays In Cyber Space Will Not Be Considered.


Final note:

Most awards call for specific additional information such as applicant statements to complete the application. Please read the award descriptions carefully for details. Incomplete applications will be disqualified. If your scholarship requires additional documentation and you are not sure where to upload it please upload it where it says “Please attach supporting documentation such as published articles research samples or imagery.”

The awards will normally be made annually as long as sufficient funds are available. If the committee deems there are no applications of sufficient quality to warrant approval no award will be given that year. Any application that does not comply in its entirety with the terms stated above and/or with the terms of the specific award(s) applied for will be ineligible.

The contact information for ASPRS awards and scholarships is:

ASPRS Scholarship Administrator
8550 United Plaza Blvd, Suite 1001
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
