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Keynote and General Session Audio/Video


The keynote and general session presentations are now available for download. They are provided as audio in MP3 format and as Windows movie files with synhronised audio/slides/video. You will need multimedia software such as Windows Media Player to play these files.

The presentations and introductions have been broken down into individual files. For compression purposes, all audio has been saved at 96Kbps and all video has been saved at 158kbps and 340x280 pixel screen size in an effort to make smaller files for more friendly download over slower internet


Item Speaker Media Type File Size (Mb) Duration (minutes)

Wednesday May 9th Opening Session


Gary Florence, Conference Co-Chairman and ASPRS florida Region National Director.

Awards presentations and introduction of speakers.

Audio Only MP3 4.4 4:52

Michael Jones, Chief Technologist
Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Local Search

"The Neighborhood Geospatial Agency"

Audio only MP3 16.7 24:27

John C. Curlander
General Manager
Microsoft Boulder

"The Virtual World Online — Mapping as a Web Service"

Audio only MP3 18.8 27:24
Slides with audio WMV  

Thursday May 10th

ASPRS Fellows Awards and Fairchild Award

Presented by Gary Florence

Russel G. Congalton Audio only MP3 2.6 3:47
Alan M. Mikuni, Audio only MP3 1.52 2:13
Nancy K. Tubbs Audio only MP3 1.46 2:08
Fairchild Award - George Lee Audio only MP3 1.17 1:42
Kari Craun thanking Gary Florence and Bon Dewitt, conference co-chairs Audio only MP3 0.27 0:23

Thursday May 10th

General Session

Jack H. Dunnigan

“Linking Geospatial Solutions to Societal Benefits – NOAA’s 200 Years of Experience”

Audio only MP3 9.50 26:53
Slides with audio WMV 10.6

Marguerite Madden,
Associate Professor and Director Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science (CRMS), Department of Geography, The University of Georgia

“ASPRS: The Leader in GIScience and Technology for All”

Audio only MP3 10.8 15:46
Slides with audio WMV 12.5