October 2019 Layout Flipping Public - page 702

October 2019
To have your press release published in
, contact Rae Kelley,
Teledyne Optech has announced
that its new compact lidar
sensor, the CL-90, is available
for purchase through its first
integration partnership with
For more than 20 years, LiDAR
USA has been building UAV sensor systems that meet the
demands of a growing number of applications, optimizing
their customers’ investment to their greatest benefit. LiDAR
USA has sold thousands of systems worldwide. Their ability
to support numerous industries with cutting-edge integration
makes them an ideal partner for Teledyne Optech’s compact
lidar sensors.
LiDAR USA’s products are used in surveying-related
purposes from topo work, to highways and land development,
but also agricultural work for forestry and plant growth with
applications in archeology work as well.
Teledyne Optech’s CL-90 sensor features exceptional canopy
penetration for excellent ground coverage, much higher
downward point density for superior results in corridor/
power line projects, long-range performance for maximum
productivity at UAS ceilings, and best-in-class data precision
for tight-tolerance applications; an ideal companion to LiDAR
USA’s robust and dynamic integration capabilities.
For more information on Teledyne Optech’s CL-90, visit:
For more information on LiDAR USA, visit:
Methane in soil can be an indicator of the presence of
hydrocarbons and reservoirs
of natural gas and oil during
exploration or leaks and spillage
along pipelines and storage
facilities. Traditional testing for
methane in soil is costly and time
Field testing provides an
affordable alternative. NIR
reflectance spectroscopy can be used to identify methane in soil.
Spectral Evolution offers a range of field spectroradiometers
including the SR-6500, RS-8800, RS-5400, PSR+, and RS-
3500. These instruments cover the full spectral range from
350-2500 nanometers in rugged, lightweight units with
no moving optical components for reliable field operation.
Spectra of soils with methane show characteristic absorption
features at 1180 and 1380 nanometers and from 1680-1720
and 2300-2450 nanometers. Different algorithms, modeling
and chemometric techniques can be used to manipulate the
spectral data acquired and build a library of known samples
for comparison with new targets.
For ultra high resolution and high sensitivity spectra, the
SR-6500 is unmatched among field units. The SR-6500 delivers
the following resolution:
• 1.5nm @ 700nm
• 3.0nm @ 1500nm
• 3.8nm @ 2100nm
The SR-6500 can be used with our Miniprobe to scan soil
samples and identify minerals, especially clays and carbonates,
in soil samples. With our optional EZ-ID software and three
mineral spectral libraries mineral identification is fast, easy
and accurate. There is a sample methane spectra included in
the USGS library for target matching.
In addition to soil analysis, the effects of methane in soil
can also be indicated by changes in the red edge spectra of
vegetation. The SR-6500 can be used for stand-off scanning
of vegetation with a Field of View (FOV) lens or our unique
leaf clip. The loss of chlorophyll in vegetation can also be an
indicator of methane microseepage.
For more information:
• 28-30 October,
Commercial UAV Expo
, Las Vegas,
Nevada. For more information visit,
• 13 November,
MAGIC/TNGIC West Tennessee
Geospatial Conference
, Lakeland, Tennessee. For
more Information, visit
• 18-21 November,
URIS 2019 Caribbean GIS
, Port of Spain, Trinidad. For more
information, visit
• 9-11 February 2020,
, Long Beach, California.
For more information, visit
• 23-25 March 2020,
Geo Week
, Washington, DC. For
more information, visit
• 7-9 May 2020,
GISTAM 2020—6th International
Conference on Geographical Information Systems
Theory, Applications and Management
, Prague,
Czech Republic. For more information, visit:
• 20-22 May 2020,
AutoCarto 2020—the 23rd
International Research Symposium on Computer-
based Cartography
, Redlands, California. For more
information, visit
• 15 - 22 August 2020,
COSPAR Scientific
, Sydney, Australia. For more information,
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