2017 Impact Factor 3.15
2016 Impact Factor 2.493
2015 impact factor 1.288
5 year impact factor 1.851
2022 ASPRS Yearbook
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing commonly referred to as PE&RS, is the official journal of imaging and geospatial information science and technology. Included in the journal on a regular basis are highlight articles such as the popular columns “Grids & Datums” and “Mapping Matters” and peer reviewed technical papers.
We publish thousands of documents, reports, codes, and informational articles in and about the industries relating to Geospatial Sciences, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and other imaging sciences.
Institutional Subscribers (Licensee) will have access to the digital version of PE&RS through IngentaConnect. Authorized Users (Faculty and Students) of Licensee will have access to all digital PE&RS files during the subscription year and all open-access files from previous years through the Licensee’s Ingenta portal. A free membership to Ingenta is required. Access to these files is in perpetuity.
Single-site licenses, one institution with one address, and multi-site licenses, one institution with more than one address, are available.
Licensing Agreement
Institutional Subscribers (Licensee) will have access to the digital version of PE&RS through IngentaConnect. Authorized Users (Faculty and Students) of Licensee will have access to all digital PE&RS files during the subscription year and all open-access files from previous years through the Licensee’s Ingenta portal. A free membership to Ingenta is required. Access to these files is in perpetuity.
Single-site licenses, one institution with one address, and multi-site licenses, one institution with more than one address, are available.
Licensee may NOT fulfill requests from other institutions, a practice commonly called Interlibrary Loan. The digital version of PE&RS DOES NOT quality for Interlibrary Loan. Nothing else shall diminish the rights and privileges of the Licensee or its Authorized Users with respect to any of the licensed content, including exceptions or limitations to the exclusive rights of copyright owners under the U.S. Copyright Act.