Instructions for Highlight Article Submission

Individuals interested in submitting Highlight Articles must submit the materials directly to the PE&RS Highlight Article Editor. Click here to learn more about highlight article submission.

Instructions for Feature Article Submission

Individuals interested in submitting Feature Articles must submit the materials directly to the PE&RS Feature Article Editor. Click here to learn more about highlight article submission.

Instructions for Peer-Review Paper Submission

Peer-review authors must submit manuscripts to PE&RS by the Editorial Manager Peer-Track system. Click here to submit a paper to PE&RS (requires free login).

Authors submitting a new manuscript for peer-review should follow these instructions.


Required forms for Authors of Accepted Papers

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will receive the instructions for submitting your manuscript to PE&RS. You will be required to submit a Copyright Assignment Form with your submission.


Call for Papers


Open-Access Papers

PE&RS allows open-access manuscripts.  The open-access fee is waived for primary authors from subscribing institutions. Additionally, primary authors who are Individual Members of ASPRS will be able to publish one open-access article per year at no cost and will receive a 50% discount on open-access fees for additional articles. Click here for more information.


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